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Black Powder Red Earth®

Black Powder Red Earth®

90 Positivo / 147 Calificaciones | Versión: 1.0.0

_Echelon Software

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Descarga Black Powder Red Earth® en PC con GameLoop Emulator

Black Powder Red Earth®, es un popular juego de Steam desarrollado por _Echelon Software. Puede descargar Black Powder Red Earth® y los mejores juegos de Steam con GameLoop para jugar en la PC. Haga clic en el botón 'Obtener' para obtener las últimas mejores ofertas en GameDeal.

Obtén Black Powder Red Earth® juego de vapor

Black Powder Red Earth®, es un popular juego de Steam desarrollado por _Echelon Software. Puede descargar Black Powder Red Earth® y los mejores juegos de Steam con GameLoop para jugar en la PC. Haga clic en el botón 'Obtener' para obtener las últimas mejores ofertas en GameDeal.

Black Powder Red Earth® Funciones

The near present. Following the invasion of Iraq, Private Military Contractors(PMC) become the preferred instrument of foreign policy by Petro-Monarchies in the failed states of the Middle East. Staffed with US special operations combat veterans, PMC select, train and lead armies of local nationals in conventional and unconventional warfare operations. Combat actions conducted by the contractors are not considered acts of war. They are matters of foreign internal defense.

Black Powder Red Earth® is a minute-to-minute turn-based tactics game set in a proxy war between the dictatorship of a failing petro-state and a brutal jihadist insurgency. Fighting in war-torn urban sprawls, players lead an enhanced capability advisory and enabler unit, conducting kinetic actions with full lethal surrogacy to accomplish their missions.

Based on the Amazon best selling graphic novels of the same name, Black Powder Red Earth™ was developed with the support and advice of Special Operations combat veterans from the Commanders In-Extremis Force and by the designer of the Decentralized Battle Space Program. Black Powder Red Earth® has no tech trees, base building or R&D mini-games. It focuses entirely on meaningful tactical decisions that influence the outcome of raids in urban environments.

Step into the event horizon of absolute chaos — now.

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Descarga Black Powder Red Earth® en PC con GameLoop Emulator

Obtén Black Powder Red Earth® juego de vapor

Black Powder Red Earth®, es un popular juego de Steam desarrollado por _Echelon Software. Puede descargar Black Powder Red Earth® y los mejores juegos de Steam con GameLoop para jugar en la PC. Haga clic en el botón 'Obtener' para obtener las últimas mejores ofertas en GameDeal.

Black Powder Red Earth® Funciones

The near present. Following the invasion of Iraq, Private Military Contractors(PMC) become the preferred instrument of foreign policy by Petro-Monarchies in the failed states of the Middle East. Staffed with US special operations combat veterans, PMC select, train and lead armies of local nationals in conventional and unconventional warfare operations. Combat actions conducted by the contractors are not considered acts of war. They are matters of foreign internal defense.

Black Powder Red Earth® is a minute-to-minute turn-based tactics game set in a proxy war between the dictatorship of a failing petro-state and a brutal jihadist insurgency. Fighting in war-torn urban sprawls, players lead an enhanced capability advisory and enabler unit, conducting kinetic actions with full lethal surrogacy to accomplish their missions.

Based on the Amazon best selling graphic novels of the same name, Black Powder Red Earth™ was developed with the support and advice of Special Operations combat veterans from the Commanders In-Extremis Force and by the designer of the Decentralized Battle Space Program. Black Powder Red Earth® has no tech trees, base building or R&D mini-games. It focuses entirely on meaningful tactical decisions that influence the outcome of raids in urban environments.

Step into the event horizon of absolute chaos — now.

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  • gamedeal user

    Dec 26, 2021

    I am finding it really hard to recommend this game. It has potential to be really really great, but falls in so many areas. Things I love: 1. The graphics and animations are great and can be funny at times. I could see a graphic novel from the artist of this game. 2. I love TRPGs/SRPGs so it gets points for that. 3. Variety of mission objectives. 4. Some randomization in terms of some skills and abilities. Things I do not like/things they could improve on: 1. The music. There is a basic metal riff in the game that doesn't stop looping and it really breaks away from a stealth tactical game. The middle eastern inspired songs are good but that metal riff gets old FAST. 2. There is 1 map as far as I can tell outside of being in a house. Some variety of maps would be nice. 2a. You'd think for a game that is all about modern tactics and strategies, they would tell you what each building is on the map. But nope, you move a unit and let's say halfway through the move, they go next to a building, STOP, pop up screen to tell you about the building, which to me breaks the pace of the game. 2b. When certain popup screens happen, they jump around the map and sometimes they don't show anything which to me is annoying because now I am all disoriented in terms of what just happened. 3. Seems that the player should be able to use a lot more skills/abilities more than once. But you get to use skills/abilities once and that's it. 3a. Some unlockables and upgrades would go a long way. 4. I wish that units had automatic over watch so when enemies are in range, they can take them out. Even if during that action, the unit has half accuracy. 5. 10 turns to me is very limiting. Especially if it took 5 turns to do the objective and then half to exit the map on the other side of the map. Maybe options for 15 or 20 turns would be nice. I like the game and it really has a lot of potential to be a hidden gem. But for now it is very rough and needs a lot of work. I got this on sale and would recommend you get it on sale if you must play this. I really do hope in time I could come back and edit this review and remove the things I did not like.
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 26, 2021

    If you like the idea of a more hardcore strategy game, this may be for you. If you want a more realistic, hardcore, military game, this isn't it unfortunately. For 20 dollars there are better games, the idea is sound and gameplay can be fun but the like of actual elements is boring. There is no options besides moving and shooting, some things like drones and blackouts are available but the lack of real content makes this a crime for it's price. I bought it for 15 but it should be like 5 or maybe 10 dollars, but I've bought games for 5-10 with more content and better engaging gameplay. Don't let the lure of a "Hardcore" military turn based game trap you. This needs way more content and engaging gameplay for its price. The art is very good tho.
  • gamedeal user

    Mar 16, 2022

    As a Marine Corps veteran, I enjoy how this game truly brings out the critical thinker in all who play it. Love this game. and highly recommend playing!
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 14, 2022

    So after around 5 missions im refunding this game. Its not as tactical as ive expected. Major flaws: Missions get dull very quickly as everything is the same every round. The few different mission types are basically the same, except u may have to enter a house to kill someone or move to a specified exfil. Your Operators dont shoot unless u instruct them to (or theres a 1 round lasting special event - "Always my turn" - that makes them shoot on contact even if its not your turn - the OPFOR has this always enabled, are they better trained or ur Ops just high on weed?), meaning OPFOR will move around in front of your Op sometimes with engaging them 2 times in their turn while your Op does nothing. Nice idea, cool artstyle, cool comics - but way too shallow for me in terms of mission design and tactics.
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 28, 2022

    Interesting concept and I really liked the way it handles unidentified/unknown contacts but the gameplay itself is very plain and repetitive. There's no progression, no customization, no variety of guns. Just a very simple turn-based game over and over again. Breach&Clear for example is also a streamlined game but it has much more depth. I saw some actual physical wargaming videos with the same title and the ruleset in those was much more complex and enjoyable. Runs well on Linux/Steam Deck.
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 21, 2023

    This is one of those cases where you have to give something a thumbs up not because you liked it, but because you didn't dislike it. To start off with, BPRE is about as polished as a construction worker's boots. This game needed a lot more time and effort than went into it, and this is something you can tangibly feel while playing through it. It's clunky, it's rough, at times it seems like it runs contrary to your expectations and tells you one thing will work one way but then make it do the exact opposite of what it says. It doesn't feel like a published game with a Steam page and a price tag, it feels like a demo you found on itch one morning and played around with for a day before being done with it. All of this being said, however, pulling off an operation successfully in BPRE is a level of satisfying that is hard to reach in most strategic games such as these, not only making you feel like your operators are badasses, but like you yourself are a badass as well. Add onto this the fact that this game manages to capture the overall atmosphere and feeling of BPRE surprisingly well even when considering it's all pixels and you have a recipe for something good. Unfortunately, that recipe was left in the oven a little too long, so I'd only try it if you can get it for a discount or as a gift. Doesn't mean it doesn't have its tasty spots, though. It's just got some crunchy spots too.
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 30, 2020

    I like it so far. Keeps with the graphic novels.
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 31, 2020

    I played this game for a good hour now and think it has a lot of poetencial. The pixel art is beautiful and the game is dripping with atmosphere but I think, it has still a loong way to go. Iam aware that its still early access but its still a bit light on content and gameplay ,so here are a few things i think would improove on the gameplay side: -Overwach and Tactical equip: right now you are pretty much dead if u are compromised or someboddy walks around a corner -reduce miss rate for Pmc: Maybe make it impossible to miss at close range for pmcs and add the hit rolls for loonger ranges -speed up actions and Enemy turns: ...pls -Ammo: just a nice thing to have, maby a system where u could spend more ammo to increase hitt chance or take exta shoot actions (just an Idea) and there i still much more but I think the devs are aware of that. Just so you know what u are getting in to
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 1, 2020

    has potential to be one of the best modern tactical turn-based games out there, all i ask is that this genre is improved by the type of game the developers are trying to make. allow the movement of multiple units at once, maybe an option to speed up the current pace of events, some more ability to customize operations (scenarios, settings, layouts), and make the UI more user friendly and easy to identify elements (places of movement, end of turns, etc) rough but with lots of potential.
  • gamedeal user

    Mar 1, 2020

    This is a game that has loads of potential, but due to its lack of content is not worth the $15 price tag. The core gameplay is fun and nerve wracking simultaneously. But still, the lack of weapon, armor or other gameplay options is a very considerable detriment to the game overall. Not only that, but there is a tonal difference between the overexagerated and almost slapstick death animation of npcs and the humorous building descriptions with the games dark, realistic depiction of a raid in the middle of the night in the middle east. If the game is on sale for $5 or less, you should pick it up, but with the low amount of content it has to offer currently, its not worth full price. If you're looking for a similar game, try picking up Doorkickers 1 or 2. They're both similar, albeit real time, but they're both loads of fun with lots more content than this game.
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