Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 para PC
Smart Utility Mobile Apps Studio
Baixe Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 no PC com o emulador GameLoop
Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 no PC
Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020, vindo do desenvolvedor Smart Utility Mobile Apps Studio, está rodando no sistema Android no passado.
Agora, você pode jogar Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 no PC com GameLoop sem problemas.
Faça o download na biblioteca GameLoop ou nos resultados da pesquisa. Chega de ficar de olho na bateria ou fazer chamadas frustrantes na hora errada.
Apenas aproveite o Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 PC na tela grande gratuitamente!
Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 Introdução
Looking for document viewer all in one for your files, it is now easy to view files using our versatile document viewer.
The app is light on storage space and It's a very friendly app easy to used.
You can view and sort out all your documentation work on your phone as this all documents reader & documents viewer is used to view, read, edit and share all kinds of document files.
This is an android document reader and viewer for reading multiple kinds of files like doc, docx, pptx, excel, xlsx, and pdf
1. View and Read all your documents:
Documents reader and documents viewer is a all in one viewer is used to view all text files. All document reader is a fast and quick reader for view document.
This is a fast pocket all document reader to maintain and manage all files and documents in pdf, pptx, xlsx, and word format.
2. Main working of all documents reader and documents viewer:
All documents reader and documents viewer is used to manage all documents files which includes PDF files which can be view, delete, rename, share and can view in full screen mode.
All documents reader and documents viewer is a doc file viewer which can be view, delete, rename, share and edit word files.
All documents reader and documents viewer is an xlsx viewer is used to view, edit, share, delete and rename of all excel documents. This app can work as a pptx viewer is used to view, edit, share, delete and rename of all power-point documents.
Permissions :
Write storage (for save edited documents)
Read storage (for view and read all documents)
Em formação
Smart Utility Mobile Apps Studio
Última versão
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Disponível em
Google Play
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Como jogar Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 com GameLoop no PC
1. Baixe o GameLoop do site oficial e execute o arquivo exe para instalar o GameLoop.
2. Abra o GameLoop e procure por “Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020”, encontre Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 nos resultados da pesquisa e clique em “Install”.
3. Divirta-se jogando Office Reader - Document Reader and Editor 2020 no GameLoop.
Minimum requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space
Recommended requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space