Shadows and Dust
Moloch Media
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Baixe Shadows and Dust no PC com o emulador GameLoop
Shadows and Dust, é um popular jogo de vapor desenvolvido por Moloch Media. Você pode baixar Shadows and Dust e os principais jogos do Steam com GameLoop para jogar no PC. Clique no botão 'Obter' para obter as melhores ofertas mais recentes na GameDeal.
Obtenha o jogo a vapor Shadows and Dust
Shadows and Dust, é um popular jogo de vapor desenvolvido por Moloch Media. Você pode baixar Shadows and Dust e os principais jogos do Steam com GameLoop para jogar no PC. Clique no botão 'Obter' para obter as melhores ofertas mais recentes na GameDeal.
Recursos do Shadows and Dust
A ghost story.
"In that sleep of death what dreams may come."
A dim view.
A dark room.
Someone else is here.
Shadows and Dust is a narrative game about regret. It combines short sections of first person exploration with text-based scenes of interactive dialogue.
Some choices can't be taken back.
Shadows and Dust is a deeply personal experience based on the author's own nightmares.
Content warning: suicide, mental illness, depression.
Created with Ink, WWISE and Unity 3D.
This is a short game. It can be completed in half an hour!
Baixe Shadows and Dust no PC com o emulador GameLoop
Obtenha o jogo a vapor Shadows and Dust
Shadows and Dust, é um popular jogo de vapor desenvolvido por Moloch Media. Você pode baixar Shadows and Dust e os principais jogos do Steam com GameLoop para jogar no PC. Clique no botão 'Obter' para obter as melhores ofertas mais recentes na GameDeal.
Recursos do Shadows and Dust
A ghost story.
"In that sleep of death what dreams may come."
A dim view.
A dark room.
Someone else is here.
Shadows and Dust is a narrative game about regret. It combines short sections of first person exploration with text-based scenes of interactive dialogue.
Some choices can't be taken back.
Shadows and Dust is a deeply personal experience based on the author's own nightmares.
Content warning: suicide, mental illness, depression.
Created with Ink, WWISE and Unity 3D.
This is a short game. It can be completed in half an hour!
Em formação
Moloch Media
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- gamedeal user
Oct 3, 2019
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