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Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2

70 好評 / 77 評分 | 版本: 1.0.0

Deadline Games

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用GameLoop模拟器在電腦上玩Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2,是由Deadline Games開發的一款時下流行的steam遊戲。 您可以使用 GameLoop 下載Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2和熱門Steam遊戲以在電腦上玩。點擊“獲取”按鈕,您就可以在 GameDeal 獲得最新最優惠的價格。

獲取 Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 Steam 遊戲

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2,是由Deadline Games開發的一款時下流行的steam遊戲。 您可以使用 GameLoop 下載Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2和熱門Steam遊戲以在電腦上玩。點擊“獲取”按鈕,您就可以在 GameDeal 獲得最新最優惠的價格。

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 遊戲特點

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2 delves further into the partnership of Rorschach and Nite Owl before the hero-banning Keene Act. It’s now June 1977, and any day now the passage of the Keene Act will outlaw all masked vigilantes not sanctioned by the government. Rorschach contacts Nite Owl to get his help in solving the case of a missing girl, Violet Greene. Their search takes them deep into the depraved, sleazy corners of the city and eventually face-to-face with the mysterious Twilight Lady.

  • Play as the Watchmen characters Rorschach and Nite Owl, each of whom have their own unique abilities:

    • Rorschach, a feral, street-wise fighter who can disarm enemies to use their own weapons against them

    • Nite Owl, a refined fighter who uses martial arts expertise and high-tech wizardry

  • Fight and watch the blood fly through three chapters of gut-wrenching in your face action

  • Intense, visceral - battles fight up to 20 enemies at the same time with bloody, street-fighting moves

  • Clean up the streets with friends in split screen co-op multiplayer competition or solo


用GameLoop模拟器在電腦上玩Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2

獲取 Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 Steam 遊戲

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2,是由Deadline Games開發的一款時下流行的steam遊戲。 您可以使用 GameLoop 下載Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2和熱門Steam遊戲以在電腦上玩。點擊“獲取”按鈕,您就可以在 GameDeal 獲得最新最優惠的價格。

Watchmen: The End is Nigh Part 2 遊戲特點

Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Part 2 delves further into the partnership of Rorschach and Nite Owl before the hero-banning Keene Act. It’s now June 1977, and any day now the passage of the Keene Act will outlaw all masked vigilantes not sanctioned by the government. Rorschach contacts Nite Owl to get his help in solving the case of a missing girl, Violet Greene. Their search takes them deep into the depraved, sleazy corners of the city and eventually face-to-face with the mysterious Twilight Lady.

  • Play as the Watchmen characters Rorschach and Nite Owl, each of whom have their own unique abilities:

    • Rorschach, a feral, street-wise fighter who can disarm enemies to use their own weapons against them

    • Nite Owl, a refined fighter who uses martial arts expertise and high-tech wizardry

  • Fight and watch the blood fly through three chapters of gut-wrenching in your face action

  • Intense, visceral - battles fight up to 20 enemies at the same time with bloody, street-fighting moves

  • Clean up the streets with friends in split screen co-op multiplayer competition or solo



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  • gamedeal user

    Mar 16, 2022

    Rorschach and Nite Owl beat up defenseless women for two hours.
  • gamedeal user

    Apr 12, 2022

    The Silenzeio guide to: Watchmen games End is Nigh Part 2 is... Bordering, if not, has a toe in negative territory for me. I'll explain that all later but here's a quick story rundown. It's 1977, five years after the first game. The Keene act is set to pass within days, outlawing costumed vigilantism across the States, unless sanctioned by the government. Eight years before the events of the film. It starts with Rorschach recruiting Nite Owl in the search of a missing girl named Violet Greene, her parents given a tape with their daughter in a compromising state, hands bound to the roof. With a clue as to the location as to where Violet is, the duo investigate. Part 2 cuts the chapters down by half. Six in Part 1 to three in Part 2. To pad out what was removed in the prior part, the three sections of this game are HEAVILY padded out by combat sections. Each chapter will outstay it's welcome long before they're actually done. You're thrown all types of enemies to slow down the game and ensure that most of your gametime is focused on combat. Nothing changes at all from the first game, you start out with all the combos and abilities available to you so it's just simple to perform the Max Damage string a few times to win stupidly easy. But... Is it just me or do the heroes seem a little... Nerfed? I noticed Rorschach's full on Rage mode won't automatically perform counters on enemies and Nite Owl's blocking to be unreliable most of the time. The weapons Rorschach uses also seem to break faster than they did in the first game. I'm not about to speculate or put on a tinfoil hat about this though. The 'puzzles' i mentioned in my review of the first game haven't changed. Only one thing was added. The heroes pushing open doors before it shuts them out on the other side to lock the player into the next combat segment. The collectables also have had a cut, each hero only having 6 to collect to upgrade the Rage or Charge bar. The straining dynamic of the two heroes is interesting... Enough? With only three chapters, it feels a little rushed for the finale and it's 'victor gets the ending for their character' battle. Personally i think Rorschach's ending fits within the duo's story. Same graphics, same combat, less chapters and collectables, game feels like a complete slog to get through at times. Adds a tutorial for combo stings. Which... I would've thought better suited the first game but is just dropped into the second. I guess it's a positive. At least chapter 3 adds a new enemy to fight through with unique finishing moves and counter attack animations... All women. So enjoy those repetitive animations after 5-10 minutes of chapter 3 gameplay. Why am i trying to make that a positive towards the game? Better to summarise now before Twitter cancels me. Yeah i'm struggling for positives here and i'm the guy trying to say "Hey, new unique stuff for beating up women in fetish gear trying to beat our heroes!" is a plus... There's nothing really good about this game. You had to have gotten this game in a bundle on sale because getting it as a standalone is utter madness.
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 31, 2014

    Watchmen Part 1 was repetitive, but had a decent enough storyline and combat to justify playing for Watchmen fans. Part 2 has the same basic Beat-Em-Up gameplay, but manages to be more repetitive and overall worse. Just like in Part 1, the storyline itself is actually a strong point. It's a separate storyline from part 1, and shows a possible explanation for why Rorschach and Nite Owl Split. It touches upon some interesting themes such as the difference between what is legal and what is ethical, and has an interesting gameplay twist at the very end, so the plotline is decent. What isn't so good is the gameplay. In part 1, you could unlock new moves, which kept the gameplay from getting completely stale. In part 2, you start off with all of the moves from part 1 unlocked, which makes sense, but you don't unlock anything more. You end the game with the same skills you started with, meaning there is no progression and the difficulty curve is more of a difficulty flatline. Furthermore, part 2 is the same length as part one (about three hours), but has half as many levels (a total of 3), meaning you're stuck in the same area for twice as long and fighting the same enemies for twice as long (and just like part 1, there's really only two or three enemy types, just having different models on each level). The effect that all of this has is that every fight in the game is essentially identical, and since the game is almost nonstop fighting, you're going to have a bland time. Furthermore, the final level is just annoying, as it consists of you chasing the villain through a mansion. Everytime you catch up to said villain, she says something essentially boiling down to "HAHA YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME WATCHMEN" and then runs off to another room. This repeats several times in a row and just felt like a lame way to keep you moving through the level. Overall, can't reccomend this one, even though the story is decent.
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 3, 2022

    Just to complete the series. Worse than part 1 with too much level design recycle and just much more enemies, no new ideas. Last stage can be VERY hard due to 6 vs 1 combat (!) situations (12 vs 2), you must block most of the time and be patient... ~3hrs to complete. Mediocre, only if you like the Watchmen and basic beat'em ups with combo, like I do.
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 4, 2022

    I like when Rorschach said "It's roarin' time!" then roared all over those guys
  • gamedeal user

    Oct 3, 2014

    I played the second part and like the first it was short even shorter than the first part with only 3 chapters. Also if you read my review of the first part its pretty much the same with this one. So Beat em Up Fans if this game is in sale its worth it if not then let your hands of it. The combos are also the same as in the first part maybe some small changes you dont notice really much of it. My total playtime for both parts if you play one character to the end was 10 hours and also tested the other character so the maximum to play with both would be between 18 - 20 hours not more. Thumbs up if this game is in sale.
  • gamedeal user

    Nov 9, 2014

    Ok this one is shorter than the first part but it still shines a bit as it does one thing and does that one thing well. First, do not buy this unless you can get it for 1-2 bucks. Second, I have no idea why but I had to sit and play both games through to the end despite the repetitive gameplay and dated graphics. It has the same strengths and weaknesses of the first one except this one inexplicably has a tutorial. Same controller bug too. Other than that, if you like Final Fight, Double Dragon, and games of that sort, you will find this a decent button mashing brawler. The theme is a bit more adult than the last one and seeing Rorschach's brutal moves used against the female baddies...well, it was brutal, lol. Here is my review for the first one. Like I said, pick it up on sale and you get a decent brawler that tries hard and manages to miss the mark yet is still strangely fun. "4.9 hours in aaaannnd, we've beaten this beatemup! I do recommend it, conditionally. It has its good points and bad but for the most part it delivers an entertaining few hours of smash and well, more smash. The Good: The moves are pretty smooth and easy to pull off. The story fits the mood of the comics/movie well. It's not bad if you get it on sale for 1-3 bucks. It's like a modern Double Dragon or Final Fight. The Bad: The graphics are dated. They do the job though, barely. No replayability really. Repetitive. You fight. It's a modern Final Fight. The combos are ok but you mainly end up doing the dodge/counteratttack move. The Ugly: Don't pay full price for it. It's short. I logged the 4.9 hours and I napped in between a couple of levels with the game open, lol. The options are abysmal. Need more playable characters. The gore looks cheesy. Bottom line is this. If you can get it on sale and enjoy a button mashing fight fest with a gritty undertone and slick moves then this game is for you. Just be aware going in about exactly what it is you are buying here. NOTE: If you use an XBOX 360 controller (wireless) be sure to change the setting to use the wired version. Otherwise you get a stuck camera angle and non-responsive controls. The wireless mapping is hosed. Anyway, just my opinion here but I didn't hate it, didn't love it, got it on sale and don't regret the time spent with it"
  • gamedeal user

    Nov 14, 2014

    Better environments than the first part. Satisfyingly violent. Story sucks super hard. Single-player is a drag, but local co-op is a good time.
  • GrumpyKatt

    Jun 1, 2023

    Same thing with the other game. Only this time you mostly beat up prostitutes.
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 3, 2017

    Man. This is probably my lightest recommendation ever. Let's start with this. Watchmen: The End is Nigh 2 has a completely different storyline than part 1. I enjoyed that part as you're trying to solve the mystery of trying to find a girl who is posiibaly involved in an illegal porn ring. The level design I thought was actually pretty cool. Very detailed and I loved hearing Rorashach and Nite Owl voiced by Jackie Haley & Patrick Wilson respectively. But FFS the one note gameplay and enemy "variety" was a joke. This game pretty much goes beat up anywhere from four to ten of 2-4 different enemy types per level, then open a door. I am absolutely not kidding you. Maybe once in a while you'll solve a door puzzle or pick a lock but for the majority of this game you'll be fighting generic enemies. This is where playing an unbelievable game like Sleeping Dogs (seriously, go buy that NOW if you don't have it) helps as you'll be button mashing with the help of some countering. I'll admit though. I enjoyed myself during the two hours I put into this. I ended up blowing through both games in a toal of about five hours. Absolutely do not buy this at full price. Sale though? If you liked the Watchmen movies and beat em up with nice looking levels and good atmosphere you could do way worse. 6/10 recommendation for me.
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