Lynda - Online Training Videos for PC
Unduh Lynda - Online Training Videos di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop
Lynda - Online Training Videos di PC
Lynda - Online Training Videos, berasal dari pengembang LinkedIn, berjalan di sistem Android di masa lalu.
Sekarang, Anda dapat memainkan Lynda - Online Training Videos di PC dengan GameLoop dengan lancar.
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Nikmati saja Lynda - Online Training Videos PC di layar besar secara gratis!
Lynda - Online Training Videos Pengantar
Lynda.com is now LinkedIn Learning! If you’re a new user, you can access the full library of Lynda.com courses over on the LinkedIn Learning app for a more personalized learning experience. Download the LinkedIn Learning app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linkedin.android.learning&hl=en_US. For current Lynda subscribers, you can still access your account on the Lynda.com app, so please download today!
Lynda.com was founded by Lynda Weinman, a self-taught computer teacher, author, educator, speaker, and entrepreneur and now in partnership with LinkedIn, with Lynda.com, you can learn from thousands of courses taught by industry experts.
Lynda.com makes it easy to learn skills on-demand with access to our subscription library. And now all Lynda.com courses are on LinkedIn Learning.
Get the training you need to succeed in your current job or start a new career by watching expert taught courses. Whether you want to learn leadership skills, build a mobile app, or how to use software, Lynda.com has something for you. Take photography lessons, learn graphic design, get business training, take web and interactive design courses, take 3D animation classes, watch audio tutorials, and much more.
Sharpen your skills and get the most of your Lynda.com membership with the app.
• Access all courses from the subscription library
• Get personalized course recommendations
• Download courses for offline viewing and learn anytime, anywhere
• Stream course videos to your TV with Chromecast
• View your personalized dashboard to stay on track with your training
• Auto-play courses or watch individual videos
• Share courses across social network apps
• View and edit playlists to create your own training plan
• Sync course history and pick up where you left off for a continuous learning experience across all devices
• Video tutorials include closed captioning, adjustable playback speed, and more
Popular training courses
• Learn how to code, create, and build web applications or mobile apps
• How to design and create a website
• Develop business skills, learn leadership, get management training, watch marketing tutorials, and more
• Brush up on Excel skills, QuickBooks, and other tools
• Design logos, create ebooks, and more with in-depth tutorials on Illustrator, InDesign, Muse, and other software
• Learn photography and photo editing techniques, how to use a camera, Photoshop, Lightroom, and more
• How to record and learn music production
• Learn videography and motion graphics with tutorials taught by experts
• Get 3D modeling and animation skills
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Cara memainkan Lynda - Online Training Videos dengan GameLoop di PC
1. Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop.
2. Buka GameLoop dan cari “Lynda - Online Training Videos”, temukan Lynda - Online Training Videos di hasil pencarian dan klik “Install”.
3. Nikmati bermain Lynda - Online Training Videos di GameLoop.
Minimum requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space
Recommended requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space