Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen for PC
Sesame Workshop
Unduh Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop
Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen di PC
Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen, berasal dari pengembang Sesame Workshop, berjalan di sistem Android di masa lalu.
Sekarang, Anda dapat memainkan Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen di PC dengan GameLoop dengan lancar.
Unduh di perpustakaan GameLoop atau hasil pencarian. Tidak ada lagi memperhatikan baterai atau panggilan frustasi pada waktu yang salah lagi.
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Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen Pengantar
This is a lite version of Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen. To unlock all available content and features, you can download a one-time in-app purchase for $2.99 from this lite version. This is a vocabulary-building app, which will help your child practice early literacy skills by blending letter sounds to create words in Cookie Monster’s alphabet kitchen! Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen turns learning vowels and new vocabulary words into a fun-filled cookie making experience. By creating letter cookies and decorating them in his kitchen, Chef Elmo helps kids learn about vowels. Through blending letter combinations to create words, the Sesame Street friends help your child ‘bake’ 3- and 4-letter words into delicious cookies. And the fun doesn’t stop there! Your child can color the cookies, take pictures with their creations, ‘eat’ them, or share them with Cookie Monster and Elmo! FEATURES -Cut and decorate vowel cookies with colorful frostings, icings, whipped cream, sprinkles, fruits, and silly facial features! -Create more than 90 words to build vocabulary and literacy skills. -Learn letter names and sounds. -Over 350 word cookie variations! -Take pictures with Cookie Monster, Elmo, and your cookies. -‘Eat’ the cookies or share them with Cookie Monster and Elmo! LEARN ABOUT -Letter identification -Letter sounds -Word blending -Vocabulary building -Sharing ABOUT US Sesame Workshop’s mission is to use the educational power of media to help kids everywhere grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. Delivered through a variety of platforms, including television programs, digital experiences, books and community engagement, its research-based programs are tailored to the needs of the communities and countries they serve. Learn more at www.sesameworkshop.org. PRIVACY POLICY The Privacy Policy can be found here: http://www.sesameworkshop.org/privacy-policy/ CONTACT US Your input is very important to us. If you have any questions, comments, or need help, please contact us at: sesameworkshopapps@sesame.org
Sesame Workshop
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Cara memainkan Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen dengan GameLoop di PC
1. Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop.
2. Buka GameLoop dan cari “Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen”, temukan Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen di hasil pencarian dan klik “Install”.
3. Nikmati bermain Sesame Street Alphabet Kitchen di GameLoop.
Minimum requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space
Recommended requirements
Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit
GTX 1050
1GB available space