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Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

73 Positif / 666 Peringkat | Versi: kapan: 1.0.0

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Unduh Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Inner Void. Anda dapat mengunduh Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

Dapatkan permainan uap Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Inner Void. Anda dapat mengunduh Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game Fitur

Chef allows you to personally don a kitchen apron and embark on an exciting career in the wild world of professional cooking. Starting with nothing but pocket change, a small restaurant, and an ambitious dream, you’ll ascend from the life of a humble cook to that of a world-famous chef.

Nothing will prevent you from deciding how to climb to the top of the food chain. Prepare yourself for a sandbox experience in which all your choices matter as you build your gastronomic empire, or follow a story mode with delirious challenges to face. What will it be? A steakhouse? A vegan paradise? A pasta palace? An experimental cooking lab? Only you can figure out which path is best for your establishment.


  • Create your own avatar and level them up across 6 different skill trees with more than 100 abilities to choose from.

  • Full restaurant management: choose the restaurant’s location and layout, hire the staff, design the menu, and determine the restaurant’s policies.

  • Customize every aspect of your restaurants: Choose from over 150 different variations for floors and walls, and over 200 appliances and decorations that can be individually placed and colored.

  • Experiment with a realistic recipe editor: Use the skills and ingredients at your disposal to create one-of-a-kind dishes that are accurately rated by taste and aroma.

  • Choose your own cooking style: Specialize in meat or seafood, go vegetarian or vegan, or offer a vast selection of spicy or exotic dishes. The choice is yours and the world will react to it accordingly.

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Unduh Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

Dapatkan permainan uap Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Inner Void. Anda dapat mengunduh Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

Chef: A Restaurant Tycoon Game Fitur

Chef allows you to personally don a kitchen apron and embark on an exciting career in the wild world of professional cooking. Starting with nothing but pocket change, a small restaurant, and an ambitious dream, you’ll ascend from the life of a humble cook to that of a world-famous chef.

Nothing will prevent you from deciding how to climb to the top of the food chain. Prepare yourself for a sandbox experience in which all your choices matter as you build your gastronomic empire, or follow a story mode with delirious challenges to face. What will it be? A steakhouse? A vegan paradise? A pasta palace? An experimental cooking lab? Only you can figure out which path is best for your establishment.


  • Create your own avatar and level them up across 6 different skill trees with more than 100 abilities to choose from.

  • Full restaurant management: choose the restaurant’s location and layout, hire the staff, design the menu, and determine the restaurant’s policies.

  • Customize every aspect of your restaurants: Choose from over 150 different variations for floors and walls, and over 200 appliances and decorations that can be individually placed and colored.

  • Experiment with a realistic recipe editor: Use the skills and ingredients at your disposal to create one-of-a-kind dishes that are accurately rated by taste and aroma.

  • Choose your own cooking style: Specialize in meat or seafood, go vegetarian or vegan, or offer a vast selection of spicy or exotic dishes. The choice is yours and the world will react to it accordingly.

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  • gamedeal user

    Feb 1, 2022

    [h1]Meh[/h1] [u]The good:[/u] * It's a restaurant management game. It's not like there's many out there. * 3D style is simplistic, but functional. * Recipe editor feels fun for a short time * It has at least some basic elements of a tycoon game. * Music is cute * Humor is really hilarious here and there (but that's only in text) [u]The bad:[/u] * UI design is pretty abysmal, especially if it comes to colors. Feels like artist was colorblind. * "Tycoon" part is still nearly non-existent. How do you make a game about managing a restaurant and have nearly no content about managing a restaurant? Sure, you can hire people and place tables/decorations. And make recipes and put stuff into menu. But that's basically all. Well, I can place tables in The Sims game. And yet do 999999 other things. I really don't get it. You have toilet cleaning policies. Yet you have no toilets. You have cleaning policies, yet, no-one actually cleans anything. You have a kitchen but no refrigerator or a freezer. You use ingredients, but they magically end up in the hands of your chef. You use plates, but they come and go into the thin air. Nearly nothing is really simulated, so nearly nothing matters. Everything is insanely stiff and minimal, you'll never see a waiter slip and fall or whatever. Pizza Tycoon (aka Pizza Connection), a predecessor to all restaurant-building games from 1994 was 7MB and somehow had 7000 times the content and depth of Chef. You could talk to customers, rent a warehouse, manage ingredient contracts, had a very visual recipe creator, troubles with mafia, contests, conflicts, trends, loans and insurance, authorities and "authorities", worker stats, accidents and trouble, and million billion other things. How come modern idea of a tycoon game is basically idle clicker that fits better on a mobile game? What happened? What a disappointment.
  • gamedeal user

    Jun 19, 2022

    Not worth the price tag. After spending about 2 hours setting up your first restaurant, which now you're unable to get a refund ;) , you get to get into the "real gameplay." The meat of the game is messing with ingredients in a recipe creator menu to min-max the best recipes. (which is very easy to do). After that you literally just watch the restaurant run itself and even on max speed it takes a LONG time to get through a day. I played for half a calendar year (24 in game days) and it took me 30 hours in game to do so. After 24 in game days, I opened up my second restaurant in the largest location possible, had unlimited money and had lines out the door demanding my food and this was on "Hardcore" mode which was supposedly hard. After all this, I was hoping the game would get better but it honestly got worse. Save yourself the money, maybe get it if its under $10.
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 19, 2022

    This game is overpriced. Only buy it on sale. It's also not a restaurant sim at all, it's a recipe making sim. It's still fun and I enjoyed it. But I got it on sale for $5, which is what it's worth.
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 7, 2018

    I spend 12 hours a day managing a kitchen for my career; Now I get to come home and spend another 12 hours managing this one... I love it!
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 7, 2018

    I have played a few hours,maybe half use to look uo in dictionary,cause im a chinese,so I want to say"we need chinese"in the beginning,but that is my willfulness.(following be syntax error) I have a great intest in restaurant tycoon game,but Ihave not played a high-quality game.Ihope Chef is that one,here is my view. It looks like have an ambitious,it have lots of ingredients and decoration,so I have every reason to believe it will have more exciting things like dumplings or sushi.(you didn't say its a western restaurant,right?) this views expose some problem,ui is not good enough,it's not smart to place things.but I think important thing is 'Technology tree'(appropriate?),you can use point to unlock recipes and skills.say the true,Chef's Technology tree is "Immature",it just classify recipes and skills by ingredients! "hi,that restaurant's meat is good!"or"it has lots kind of meat food",a little stupid...Fine,I just want to say it need to classify by style,like Italy food,Chinese food or fast food.this way will make it real and professional,give your restaurant own style,when you recommend more recipes,it will be more useful.By the way,I think recipe need its "prestige",not just rating. Scoring system is great,simple to see feedback. sound,operation,some others,are acceptable so far. I also want to say something about late game,but......I have bankruptcy two times.Maybe next time I can,I hope.
  • gamedeal user

    Jan 20, 2019

    The game is fun. If you liked restaurant empire back in the day, this is probably the closest you can get to a 'new' version. However, I cannot recommend at the current level of content for it's given price point. You can easily do everything possible within 6 hours of playtime. Needs much more content or should be priced under $10. Other minor gripes would be countless bugs, unintuitive recipe editor that is more just a mix and match simulator, and lack of an actual management aspect other than setting prices, menu, and hiring. Very simplistic and by the time you have progressed through everything, there is no incentive to continue playing.
  • gamedeal user

    Jun 10, 2019

    Chef shows a lot of promise, though it does have a few shortcomings. I wish there was more freedom to choose what style of restaurant you wanted to build, as in the decor, food, and staff uniforms. Also the placement of furniture and kitchen appliances is horribly off center and the size restraints make it hard to utilize your already small amount of space in the early game. The game does make it quite easy to gain a larger client base early, but doing so tanks reviews as more customers will slow down chefs and servers leading to bad reviews. An easy fix is to hire more people, but then profits take a massive hit, would love to see some balancing or tweaks there. The chef skills tree in fun to use and I enjoy the unlocking of new recipes through it and the ingredient list. Would love to see the recipe editor get more diverse with food choice and flavor combos. All in all this game is enjoyable for tycoon players, but it does leave you wanting more out of the time spent played. I look forward to future updates.
  • gamedeal user

    Jul 21, 2019

    I bought the game today, and I've been playing for 5 hours straight. I wasn't expecting it to be this good. If you have any interest in tycoon or cooking games this game is absolutely worth the price. This is without a doubt the best restaurant sim I've ever played. Pros: - Good tutorial, reasonably easy to figure out the basics - Everything works and the game seems pretty well balanced. - Good progression and plenty of content. You start off with a few ingredients and recipes. Over time you get access to more and better quality ingredients, unlock new types of recipes, new furniture, the list goes on. - This game strikes a perfect balance between easy to learn and hard to master. As in real life, starting a restaurant requires a lot of thought and balancing various different aspects. As the restaurant gets bigger, so does the challenges you need to deal with. - Plenty of depth to the game. You have to balance food quality, price, service, and ambience. Each of these are affected by different things. - Different customer types and the ability to focus on whatever types of food you prefer to prepare and customers you prefer to serve. Cons: - Some small graphical glitches, but very few and far between. - Interface is fine but can be better. To give you some idea of what it's like to play, here's my story so far: I started out with an Italian style restaurant with some fusion dishes included here and there. My restaurant was frequented mostly by cheapskates, as my dishes were inexpensive. A few months in, I was struggling to make ends meet. Increased customers meant that I needed more cooks and waiters to keep my staff from burning out and to keep customers from getting angry. If I kept going down this road I'd be bankrupt. Over the last couple of weeks I'd been developing my skills, unlocking new and high quality ingredients, and started adding high quality gourmet dishes to the menu. I decided to use this opportunity to change my strategy. I decided to focus my menu mostly on 5 star meals with vegan and vegetarian options balanced with a few meat dishes. I drastically increased prices, sometimes as much as 3 to 4 times what it was before. Everything on the menu was now premium quality with premium prices. I also spent a lot of money keeping the restaurant, kitchen and toilets in good clean condition. Initially, my strategy didn't work. I quickly lost my cheapskate customer base as the restaurant was too expensive, but building a new customer base was slow. I was still losing money, and needed to take action to avoid bankruptcy. I cut my expenses, including letting several waiters and staff members go. Finally, I was just breaking even. Over the next few weeks my restaurant became well known and frequented by food lovers that had big budgets to spend. I increased my influence in parts of town where I could find my new customer base. Things had been turned around, the restaurant was filling up around lunch and dinner again but now I was making a substantial margin on every dish sold. I could start expanding my staff again as demand increased. I also started spending money on advertising and attracting the right kind of customers for my establishment. Right now, things are going well. The restaurant is full, my ratings keep going up, and I'm taking a decent profit every week. Soon I'll need to move to a bigger restaurant with higher rent, which I'm sure will come with it's own set of challenges...
  • gamedeal user

    Dec 22, 2019

    This game generally keeps me entertained for a while, however, the lack of challenges once you've managed to get your restaurant off the ground makes the game a little boring after a while because there is nothing left to do. There are no challenges like customers wanting to send food back, or big groups of people booking for a function. You end up just watching your well oiled machine of a restaurant run day in and day out without having to lift a finger.
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 18, 2020

    This game is quite entertaining if your into the idea of managing a restaurant. Keep in mind, when I mention the negatives, that this game is still being worked on and not even at version 1 yet. I find that the game has a bit of charm and every update addresses something that I feel the game is missing. At first the game seems to progress quickly, giving you lots of skill points and new missions rather quickly, this really helps get you into the game, as there are some tedious issues when your just starting out. At first, you've got a lot to do before you can open your restaurant and, as mentioned, that can make the start seem a little slow going and dull. Also, the flow of the game might take some getting used to in order to start making a profit, but it shouldn't take too long to get the hang of it. All that said, I really do enjoy the game. Once you get moving, it's hard to stop playing. You start getting the hang of the game and making profit and you want to expand and grow. I think this was intentional because it can cause some self created challenges. Running a small restaurant and running a large one can be very different tasks depending on your approach. Also, Creating the menu can be very fun, albeit initially tedious. This can help you set up a sort of theme to your restaurant. Different specializations will attract different types of customers. Also, the option to choose your own prices can create a sort of trial and error elements to see how much you can charge without hurting business. Unfortunately, the game seems to offers many options but seems to always pull you into becoming a world class chef. With so many variable in the game, I would like more endgame choices. Of course, initially I wanted have the most popular fine dining establishment. However, I would also like options like selling, cheap, low quality food as quickly as possible, but as you sell more you gain popularity as a chef. This can hurt business. I believe there should be a system where you split and can build popularity as a different kind of chef/restaurant. Fine, family, and fast are all styles of restaurants I would like the option to build. Again, the game is still pre-version 1. Also, I definitely enjoy how they have handled updates, so I am extremely optimistic for the future of this game. And in spite of the issues I have listed, The game has still charmed and entertained me for many, many hours. I do highly recommend this game if management game are in your wheelhouse. I just wanted to inform people of the negatives.
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