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The Bears And The Bees

The Bears And The Bees

66 Positif / 140 Peringkat | Versi: kapan: 1.0.0

Damsel Stone

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Unduh The Bears And The Bees di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

The Bears And The Bees, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Damsel Stone. Anda dapat mengunduh The Bears And The Bees dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

Dapatkan permainan uap The Bears And The Bees

The Bears And The Bees, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Damsel Stone. Anda dapat mengunduh The Bears And The Bees dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

The Bears And The Bees Fitur

The Bears And The Bees is a debut adventure that follows the heroic exploits of Beesworth, a baby bee who hasn't got his wings yet. Bounce through a hand crafted world in which bears have kidnapped the queen bee, and everyone is relying on Beesworth to get her back!


An original soundtrack.
Hand-drawn artwork.
2D physics using jumping, stinging, swimming, and bouncing as a means of getting around.
A whimsical atmosphere that at the very least should make you feel like a happier version of your younger self.

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Unduh The Bears And The Bees di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

Dapatkan permainan uap The Bears And The Bees

The Bears And The Bees, adalah permainan uap populer yang dikembangkan oleh Damsel Stone. Anda dapat mengunduh The Bears And The Bees dan game uap teratas dengan GameLoop untuk dimainkan di PC. Klik tombol 'Dapatkan' maka Anda bisa mendapatkan penawaran terbaik terbaru di GameDeal.

The Bears And The Bees Fitur

The Bears And The Bees is a debut adventure that follows the heroic exploits of Beesworth, a baby bee who hasn't got his wings yet. Bounce through a hand crafted world in which bears have kidnapped the queen bee, and everyone is relying on Beesworth to get her back!


An original soundtrack.
Hand-drawn artwork.
2D physics using jumping, stinging, swimming, and bouncing as a means of getting around.
A whimsical atmosphere that at the very least should make you feel like a happier version of your younger self.

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