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Fashion Trivia

Fashion Trivia for PC

4.2Version: 1.0



Unduh Fashion Trivia di PC Dengan Emulator GameLoop

Fashion Trivia di PC

Fashion Trivia, berasal dari pengembang Pianappdev, berjalan di sistem Android di masa lalu.

Sekarang, Anda dapat memainkan Fashion Trivia di PC dengan GameLoop dengan lancar.

Unduh di perpustakaan GameLoop atau hasil pencarian. Tidak ada lagi memperhatikan baterai atau panggilan frustasi pada waktu yang salah lagi.

Nikmati saja Fashion Trivia PC di layar besar secara gratis!

Fashion Trivia Pengantar

What is Fashion Trivia app?

Fashion Trivia is an application that helps you to find out certain facts of fashion related to you. This apps provide you with a short quiz on your fashion trend. This trivia will tell you which fashion trend matches your personality. Knowing this trend helps you to develop your consciousness toward your personality

Another important aspect about fashion is of course whether your choice of fashion is sustainable for a certain period. Answer this quiz in Fashion Trivia to find out how it is related to your choice of fashion

Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression in a certain time and context, especially in clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle and body proportions. Does Zodiac plays a role in your choice of fashion? Find out using Fashion Trivia.

Whereas, a trend often connotes a very specific aesthetic expression, and often lasting shorter than a season, fashion is a distinctive and industry-supported expression traditionally tied to the fashion season and collections. Style is an expression that lasts over many seasons, and is often connected to cultural movements and social markers, symbols, class and culture (ex. Baroque, Rococo, etc.). According to sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, fashion connotes “the latest fashion, the latest difference.”

Even though they are often used together, the term fashion differs from clothes and costume, where the first describes the material and technical garment, whereas the second has been relegated to special senses like fancy-dress or masquerade wear. Fashion instead describes the social and temporal system that "activates" dress as a social signifier in a certain time and context. Philosopher Georgio Agamben connects fashion to the current intensity of the qualitative moment, to the temporal aspect the Greek called kairos, whereas clothes belong to the quantitative, to what the Greek called chronos.

Fashion Trivia is an application that could help you to find out and analyze certain aspects of fashion especially in doing your everyday life. You will be surprised how important it is for you using this Fashion Trivia

Taking a well-structured quizzes like this Fashion Trivia may help you to improve your choice of fashion and become more prominent in life.

The best thing is to enjoy this little information that you can get from the quiz that we had prepared for you.....this Fashion Trivia comprised of the following sections:-

• About Fashion Trivia

• Fashion Trend Quiz

• Sustainable Fashion Quiz

• Fashion according to Zodiac Quiz

• Subscribe to our Quiz Maker

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Cara memainkan Fashion Trivia dengan GameLoop di PC

1. Download GameLoop dari situs resminya, lalu jalankan file exe untuk menginstal GameLoop.

2. Buka GameLoop dan cari “Fashion Trivia”, temukan Fashion Trivia di hasil pencarian dan klik “Install”.

3. Nikmati bermain Fashion Trivia di GameLoop.

Fashion Trivia


Minimum requirements


Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit


GTX 1050






1GB available space

Recommended requirements


Windows 8.1 64-bit or Windows 10 64-bit


GTX 1050






1GB available space

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