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Atomic Heart

Atomic Heart

82 सकारात्मक / 7214 रेटिंग्स | संस्करण: 1.0.0


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GameLoop एमुलेटर के साथ पीसी पर Atomic Heart डाउनलोड करें

Atomic Heart, Mundfish द्वारा विकसित एक लोकप्रिय स्टीम गेम है। आप पीसी पर खेलने के लिए गेमलूप के साथ Atomic Heart और शीर्ष स्टीम गेम डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। प्राप्त करें' बटन पर क्लिक करें तो आप GameDeal पर नवीनतम सर्वोत्तम सौदे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

Atomic Heart स्टीम गेम पाएं

Atomic Heart, Mundfish द्वारा विकसित एक लोकप्रिय स्टीम गेम है। आप पीसी पर खेलने के लिए गेमलूप के साथ Atomic Heart और शीर्ष स्टीम गेम डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। प्राप्त करें' बटन पर क्लिक करें तो आप GameDeal पर नवीनतम सर्वोत्तम सौदे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

Atomic Heart विशेषताएं

Special Edition

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About the Game

Welcome to a utopian world of wonders and perfection, in which humans live in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots.

Well, that's how it used to be. With the launch of the latest robot-control system mere days away, only a tragic accident or a global conspiracy could disrupt it…

The unstoppable course of technology along with secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures, terrifying machines and superpowered robots—all suddenly rebelling against their creators. Only you can stop them and find out what lies behind the idealized world.

Using the combat abilities granted by your experimental power glove, your arsenal of blades and cutting-edge weaponry, fight for your life in explosive and frenetic encounters. Adapt your fighting style to each unique opponent. Combine your skills and resources, use the environment and upgrade your equipment to overcome challenges and fight for good.

• An utopian world, both mad and sublime

• Visceral, spectacular and unforgiving combat

• Blast giant machines and mutants using your multiple skills and advanced weapons

• Upgrade your arsenal and equipment

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GameLoop एमुलेटर के साथ पीसी पर Atomic Heart डाउनलोड करें

Atomic Heart स्टीम गेम पाएं

Atomic Heart, Mundfish द्वारा विकसित एक लोकप्रिय स्टीम गेम है। आप पीसी पर खेलने के लिए गेमलूप के साथ Atomic Heart और शीर्ष स्टीम गेम डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। प्राप्त करें' बटन पर क्लिक करें तो आप GameDeal पर नवीनतम सर्वोत्तम सौदे प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

Atomic Heart विशेषताएं

Special Edition

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About the Game

Welcome to a utopian world of wonders and perfection, in which humans live in harmony with their loyal and fervent robots.

Well, that's how it used to be. With the launch of the latest robot-control system mere days away, only a tragic accident or a global conspiracy could disrupt it…

The unstoppable course of technology along with secret experiments have brought rise to mutant creatures, terrifying machines and superpowered robots—all suddenly rebelling against their creators. Only you can stop them and find out what lies behind the idealized world.

Using the combat abilities granted by your experimental power glove, your arsenal of blades and cutting-edge weaponry, fight for your life in explosive and frenetic encounters. Adapt your fighting style to each unique opponent. Combine your skills and resources, use the environment and upgrade your equipment to overcome challenges and fight for good.

• An utopian world, both mad and sublime

• Visceral, spectacular and unforgiving combat

• Blast giant machines and mutants using your multiple skills and advanced weapons

• Upgrade your arsenal and equipment

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  • Didin

    Aug 14, 2023

    Sick soundtrack, love it
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 16, 2023

    Cool graphics and story line, eventually just stopped playing due to the fact the further in you get it becomes you have to kill boss's a certain way with certain powers and certain weapons. Takes away my game play freedom. Made it not worth wanting to finish. Would only recommend when on sale at least 50% off.
  • Fuzzy

    Aug 17, 2023

    The best way to explain the setting of this game is picturing Fallout or Bioshock but instead of Capitalism and Individualism it's all about communism. I feel that western players might have a hard time relating or understanding themes going on, you might even misjudge as some sort of propaganda, but like Fallout and Bioshock there's more that the fancy tech and world going on here. If you enjoy those worlds and all that, I urge you to give Atomic Heart's world a chance. Story wise, it can be a little hard to fully understand what's really going on at times, there's a lot of dialogue about how science fiction which if you're not used to or really don't care for it could be a hard sell. Thankfully the gameplay is so fast paced and the environment design is some of the best in the genre that you can easily enjoy the game and ignore the complex story. Also I hope this creates a trend so I can call all games like this "SlavicShock".
  • johnkeller

    Aug 15, 2023

    I liked the story, the graphics and most of the game play - some of the parkour was hard. Most of the puzzles were enjoyable but some of them are so intricate that it takes a hardcore puzzler to want to solve them without YouTubing the solution. Really enjoyable game and some novel ideas as well as some nods to other games (BioShock and Fallout). Worth playing. Only downside was the ending left me a bit flat.
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 23, 2023

    a refrigerator sexually harassed me about an hour into the game
  • gamedeal user

    Mar 14, 2023


    In-depth analysis further down.

    🟩 Pros 🟥 Cons
    - Highly satisfying gunplay and melee combat: both have realistic handling, good weight behind hits and solid feedback from hits taken by both enemies and yourself. - Compelling exploration that rewards meticulous looting and going off the beaten path. Many Easter eggs, secrets and optional areas are scattered throughout. - Exceptional visuals / art direction that feature meticulously-designed environments consistently, despite the world’s large scale and high location density. - Good variety of gameplay that alternates exploration, puzzle-solving, combat and story-related content (lore etc.), so that none of them become repetitive. - Excellent optimization for the graphics it delivers. I managed to run maxed settings, constant 60 FPS on a four-years-old machine in 1440p. - Dommy robo mommy. - Underwhelming, predictable story that uses way too many stale tropes, alongside a cringeworthy, unremarkable, one-sided protagonist. - Difficulty curve becomes too forgiving after early game due to high power creep of weapons, abilities and passive perks compared to the threats you’ll encounter. - Even if weapons and abilities are well-diversified, only a few of them truly prove to be ‘the best’, leaving many others as redundant or simply worse alternatives. - The stealth system is a gimmick that you’ll never use at any point; it doesn’t reward you in any way for taking this difficult approach, and has no ‘raison d'être’.
    🟨 Bugs & Issues 🔧 Specs
    - Certain mechanics aren’t properly explained in the tutorials, resulting in frustration. - Rarely, you may get stuck in world geometry, forcing a reload. - Sometimes the enemy repair function may not work correctly. - Visiting certain locations too early may lead to softlocks in rare cases. Save often. - 3900X - 2080Ti - 32GB RAM - SSD - 1440p
    Content & Replay Value: It took me around 34 hours to complete Atomic Heart, taking extra time to explore each location accurately and complete all side content I could find on Armageddon (Hard) difficulty. Content is linear and there aren’t branching choices (except one near the finale) - I see no reason to replay once finished.
    Is it worth buying? Yes. The price of 60€ is expected for this production level, and fair for the proposed amount of content and quality.

    Verdict: Very Good

    Rating Chart Here
    Atomic Heart proves to be a solid Immersive Sim that, despite a mediocre story and cringe protagonist, still manages to deliver fun and exciting gameplay.
    Follow our Curator page, Summit Reviews, to see more high-quality reviews regularly.


    Setting & Writing

    In an alternate timeline, the USSR has become a technological powerhouse after WW2, with breakthroughs in fields such as nanotechnology, AI and energy manipulation that far surpass those of our present-day world. Affirming itself as the leading world power, it builds the utopian symbol-city of Chelomey, and nears the launch of Kollektiv 2.0, a worldwide neural network merging man and machine to an unprecedented degree. Agent P-3, the protagonist, attends the ceremony, but things take a horribly wrong turn. The narrative shines the most in its indirect form, through the visual clues and remains from events transpired before, while it proves mediocre in both lore files, dialogues and cutscenes. The worst offender is your musclehead alter-ego, which not only has the intellectual capacity of a broken treadmill, but is also a ceaseless discharge of cringe, with puns and lines that make Leon from RE4 seem like Socrates. The events are predictable, moral dilemmas get sidetracked, and the classic rushed exposition dump near the end comes as the last nail in this atomic coffin.

    Exploration & Secrets

    The world is divided between linear and open-world areas, the latter becoming available only several hours later. The sprawl of facilities, complexes and residential areas comprising the freely roamed, although a few may be inaccessible until a specific story point is reached. In both instances, minutely exploring with the aid of your Scanner tool to highlight loot and other important things, will be paramount to accumulate crafting supplies, blueprints and useful consumables, while also discovering files and secret areas from time to time. It’s satisfying and enjoyable to traverse the world by foot or car - no fast travel so make sure you search accurately. Save points are placed regularly, allowing you to use them unlimited times. The main difference between closed and open-world areas is the enemy presence, much more massive outside, featuring reinforcements and an alarm level system, although your foes can be temporarily disabled by destroying a certain facility.

    Combat System & Bosses

    With firearms, improvised melee tools and polymer-based powers at his disposal, P-3 is a living arsenal. Your limited, upgradable inventory can hold a generous amount of ammo, weapons and consumables to keep you alive in a fight, while powers and abilities only have cooldowns, no other resource than time is required. Energy is used instead to power certain weapons, and is gained passively, with consumables or by striking foes in melee. A dodge system allows you to avoid melee and ranged hits, while defensive upgrades and medkits do the rest. Enemies range from simple humanoid bots to mechanical horrors with many weapons and moves, and dangerous mutants worthy of STALKER’s Zone. Mini and proper bosses are uncommon sights, giving you fights that won’t prove too tough especially later on, due to your arsenal becoming way too powerful, same for your skills, granting you simply too many advantages for these fights to be as ‘epic’ as they should be. Unless you get caught in an insta-kill QTE - those are crap.

    Character Progression & Crafting System

    AI-powered fridges, sometimes considerably more horny than expected, will be at your service to craft all sorts of consumables, ammo and upgrade both your weapons and P-3’s abilities -provided you have the needed materials, blueprints and XP, all looted from the world and enemies. These upgrades will add secondary fire modes to guns, improve their stats, specialize them to damage other robots or organics, and upgrade all of your abilities to be stronger, faster, and last longer. In general, provided you loot thoroughly, you will never run out of anything and be in far excess of materials to make all the ammo, health kits and other stuff you may need. It has to be noted that scrapping weapons or abilities returns 100% of their materials, so that you can try different ones and spice up the gameplay, a good choice that however hinders the replay value, since you can “have it all” in the same playthrough this way.

    Puzzles & Optional Content

    Both linear and open sections feature a generous quantity of puzzles, that range from logic-based locks, to timing sequences, beam redirections, and more than a few unique ones with their own mechanics. None of them is very complex, and they’re accessible even to those who aren’t familiar with the puzzle genre. Testing Grounds (dungeons) are the main secondary content, awarding unique upgrades for weapons and requiring some extra effort to unlock.
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 22, 2023

    Wait...Hold on....they, they actually did it! Someone developed a game that's actually OPTIMIZED on launch? Surely this must be a dream.......
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 26, 2023

    BRB, i'm going to the kitchen to f*ck the fridge
  • gamedeal user

    Feb 25, 2023

    Definitely not what I expected. I thought this was gonna be some serious sci-fi hardcore survivor game based around a story, but instead got a sci-fi fever dream. Atomic Heart seems to take inspiration from a lot of familiar titles like Fallout for it's world design, a mix of Bioshock and Dead Island for its game play and freaking Looney Tunes for it's story. This game's story is probably the most psychotic thing I've had to experience in the past 10 years. The gameplay is a tier above basic FPS, allowing you to use as many weapons as you can carry with 3 alternate special powers that try to work in tandem with one another. The games default difficulty could be hard enough to justify all that, I typically just used my best one and had so much ammo for every gun I settled for just blasting. My biggest gripe with this game overall was it's dialogue in English. Specifically in English, cause there are parts of this game where the translation feels like it was totally 1 to 1 with its original language, creating these very rushed feeling cut scenes with dialogue cutting itself off, almost as if 2 people couldn't talk at the same time. It was just awkward overall. As for the dialogue content, I think a lot of people will be split on this but the main character in English and some other characters are very colorful I'd say. A lot of what the main character says or does is very wacky and his glove companion don't really seem to mesh well with him. It's like if a high ranking officer in the military acted like a neurodivergent teen that watches My Little Pony on his adventures with his milquetoast robot butler. On the other hand, I think the main character made more fun, he's just largely immature. Also the PC version was insanely smooth for a Denuvo user, only thing that was suspicious was how long the loading elevators were. But I kept 144 in the open world very consistently with no stuttering. I even tried to get a whole village to attack me and it barely dropped. 8/10 - Would let NORA kill me
  • gamedeal user

    Mar 7, 2023

    If you hate the english voice actor there's something you need to understand. You take this exact script and read it in english and think "wow the lame protagonist is an insufferable jackass who swears every chance he gets and has the maturity of a 16 year old boy, how is he even in the military?" I get it, I see where you're coming from. It's jarring and removes you from the experience, kinda cringe too. Here's the fix for this exact problem. Go to the main menu and change the in game voice language to Russian. BOOM. The constant swearing is now perfectly acceptable because swearing at everything that moves and even completely inanimate objects that you dislike is an essential part of everyday Russian life. Whole game makes sense now, you're welcome. You may now experience an authentic story through the eyes of a true comrade.
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