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Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb

95 إيجابي / 30564 التقييمات | الإصدار: 1.0.0

Massive Monster

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قم بتنزيل Cult of the Lamb على جهاز الكمبيوتر باستخدام GameLoop Emulator

Cult of the Lamb ، هي لعبة بخار شهيرة تم تطويرها بواسطة Massive Monster. يمكنك تنزيل Cult of the Lamb وأهم ألعاب البخار باستخدام GameLoop للعب على جهاز الكمبيوتر. انقر فوق الزر "الحصول" ثم يمكنك الحصول على أحدث أفضل الصفقات في GameDeal.

احصل على لعبة Cult of the Lamb البخارية

Cult of the Lamb ، هي لعبة بخار شهيرة تم تطويرها بواسطة Massive Monster. يمكنك تنزيل Cult of the Lamb وأهم ألعاب البخار باستخدام GameLoop للعب على جهاز الكمبيوتر. انقر فوق الزر "الحصول" ثم يمكنك الحصول على أحدث أفضل الصفقات في GameDeal.

ميزات Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb: Relics of the Old Faith

The Lamb must keep their Cult flourishing, their Followers faithful, and their power unchallenged as they crusade in this free content expansion, Relics of the Old Faith. It adds brand new ways to spread the gospel of the Cult of the Lamb with powerful new abilities, exciting new characters, and thrilling new challenges.

Delve into the shrouded history of the Lands of the Old Faith as the Lamb fights to conquer those who would question their power. New Cult buildings will appease your Followers while new combat abilities will smite opposing heretics. Uncover the secrets of the Old Faith so you can be the God you want to be in this massive content expansion!

New Combat

The expansion brings a deeper layer to dungeon crawling for new and returning players. With powerful Relic abilities, heavy attacks for each weapon class, and dozens of items to find, the Lamb will unleash delightful devastation.

New Postgame

Another challenge awaits after completing the main story. Revamped dungeons, mysterious characters and challenging boss encounters are in your new quest as the God of Death. Along the way, you can unlock Follower forms, fleeces, unchosen doctrines and more.

New Challenges

Put your skills to the test with several new challenge modes for combatively competent Cult leaders. Boss Rush, Permadeath and other unique challenges await after defeating the final boss.

Cult of the Lamb: Heretic Pack


About the Game

Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland Followers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.


Collect and use resources to build new structures, perform dark rituals to appease the gods, and give sermons to reinforce the faith of your flock.


Explore a sprawling, randomly generated world, fight off hordes of enemies and defeat rival cult leaders in order to absorb their power and assert your cult's dominance.


Train your flock and embark on a quest to explore and discover the secrets of four mysterious regions. Cleanse the non-believers, spread enlightenment, and perform mystical rituals on the journey to become the mighty lamb god.

أظهر المزيد

قم بتنزيل Cult of the Lamb على جهاز الكمبيوتر باستخدام GameLoop Emulator

احصل على لعبة Cult of the Lamb البخارية

Cult of the Lamb ، هي لعبة بخار شهيرة تم تطويرها بواسطة Massive Monster. يمكنك تنزيل Cult of the Lamb وأهم ألعاب البخار باستخدام GameLoop للعب على جهاز الكمبيوتر. انقر فوق الزر "الحصول" ثم يمكنك الحصول على أحدث أفضل الصفقات في GameDeal.

ميزات Cult of the Lamb

Cult of the Lamb: Relics of the Old Faith

The Lamb must keep their Cult flourishing, their Followers faithful, and their power unchallenged as they crusade in this free content expansion, Relics of the Old Faith. It adds brand new ways to spread the gospel of the Cult of the Lamb with powerful new abilities, exciting new characters, and thrilling new challenges.

Delve into the shrouded history of the Lands of the Old Faith as the Lamb fights to conquer those who would question their power. New Cult buildings will appease your Followers while new combat abilities will smite opposing heretics. Uncover the secrets of the Old Faith so you can be the God you want to be in this massive content expansion!

New Combat

The expansion brings a deeper layer to dungeon crawling for new and returning players. With powerful Relic abilities, heavy attacks for each weapon class, and dozens of items to find, the Lamb will unleash delightful devastation.

New Postgame

Another challenge awaits after completing the main story. Revamped dungeons, mysterious characters and challenging boss encounters are in your new quest as the God of Death. Along the way, you can unlock Follower forms, fleeces, unchosen doctrines and more.

New Challenges

Put your skills to the test with several new challenge modes for combatively competent Cult leaders. Boss Rush, Permadeath and other unique challenges await after defeating the final boss.

Cult of the Lamb: Heretic Pack


About the Game

Cult of the Lamb casts players in the role of a possessed lamb saved from annihilation by an ominous stranger, and must repay their debt by building a loyal following in his name. Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland Followers and spread your Word to become the one true cult.


Collect and use resources to build new structures, perform dark rituals to appease the gods, and give sermons to reinforce the faith of your flock.


Explore a sprawling, randomly generated world, fight off hordes of enemies and defeat rival cult leaders in order to absorb their power and assert your cult's dominance.


Train your flock and embark on a quest to explore and discover the secrets of four mysterious regions. Cleanse the non-believers, spread enlightenment, and perform mystical rituals on the journey to become the mighty lamb god.

أظهر المزيد


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أظهر المزيد


  • gamedeal user

    Aug 16, 2023

    Its very fun if you want to get the game then get it
  • Bolt DTD

    Aug 15, 2023

    Short version: This game is simply delightful! It's like a cross between Don't Starve, Rimworld, and . At times it's cute and whimsical and at other times it has me making decisions that make me feel like a horrible person. Frankly I think the whimsy is what kept helping me make evil decisions. towards the end I was looking up what I had to undo to unlock an adorable follower skin. I didn't really want to do what was asked of me but I did it anyway and then the game punched me in the face and all but said, "Congratulations! You're a morally bankrupt monster!" In any case, the core game-play loop was fun, but I feel like it needs more endgame content. The developers just said there would be more content later this year, so I'm sure I'll start a new save and explore that update with glee.
  • TheSaintShaka

    Aug 14, 2023

    Such a cute game with fun dark humor.
  • AnGryVik1ng

    Aug 14, 2023

    Killed all my followers by making them eat poop 10/10
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 15, 2022


    + Responsive roguelite adventure game, with base building that is interesting (despite having some flaws). Your character's ability to dodge cancel is a godsend, and every swing of your sword or shot of a curse feels weighty. + One of the most well crafted and executed visual styles in an indie game I've played to date. The game weaves a cutesy mix of cartoonish cutesy and eldritch horror in everything - the scenary, characters, and monsters especially. You can't help but smile at everyone's expressive reactions, or the cute way they 'talk'. Also, Cult of the Lamb's Interface design, and overall design style, is sharp and responsive as well, with no fat whatsoever. + Some pretty solid writing and world building, between the five brothers and the gods they have become. Crows will convey some deeper details if you're curious for them, and creatures of all walks of life and sizes will talk about your journey. + Solid music that leaves an impression and changes depending on the stage. I loved the base theme, in particular, which had a nice carefree vibe that paired well with the vibe of cutesy animals working hard or doing horrible things. + Customization and base building are HUGE focuses that are very fun to involve yourself in. Your cult's name, your follower's names and forms, the way they interact with each other - you have a great degree of control over these things, and it can be fun to mess with this for quite awhile. + There are multiple difficulty options to choose from, making the game very accessible. On normal, I clocked a solid playtime of around 22 hours. I could easily see most people hitting a playtime of 16-20, with more or less depending on your preference on the game.


    - Core Flaws: The game is the definition of "so close". So many of its systems (weapons, curses, cloaks, abilities, cultist perks, base building, rerun mechanics, Tarot cards) are wonderful takes on the roguelite genre that, unfortunately, are only scratching the surface of their true potential. For example, the game is plagued by the "the right choice" problem, whether its combat (where the gold cloak is objectively the best choice when compared with useless alternatives) or upgrades (Ritual of Resurrection vs Funeral, one of many bad choices). Another example is that often many of the rewards feel pointless or lackluster, including many of the Tarot cards (poison immunity when poison is so infrequent, heart upgrades that feel meaningless, etc). ANOTHER example is that base building has weird uneven terrain, or that you cannot extend your flooring to the edges of the map. And finally, perhaps the worst example -- rerunning levels is limited to only 3 runs, and has no real point of replaying them because inevitably your runs will largely look the same. You'll start to see more cracks in the game the more you play, until, inevitably, you will think "Ah, that sucks that it isn't deeper. It'd be cool if..." and get lost in thoughts about ideas. It is a crying shame how much of this game could be so much better. - Followers: I love this system, but man, they got to be incredibly annoying to manage, and it really sucked that the design philosophy around them was encouraging the player to see them as disposable. Getting attached to a follower is expensive and outright impossible, whether it's because of old age, being betrayed, or needing to use them as a resource of some kind, particularly if you want to get 100% of all follower unlocks. - Annoying enemy design: Often the only thing that ever hurt me was the smaller enemies that are unpredictable, usually because the dense foliage hid them from my sight. The first stage is still my least favorite to play because the archers and bats can very easily hit you without you even noticing. - A bit buggy: The game is plagued with small, but annoying bugs. Some people apparently get softlocked on tiers of upgrading, or stuck in a room. There is a particularly annoying bug where the game resets your flooring to the first state you ever put down. - Misc: Snail Form is too hard to obtain, and is the only unlock I have left to find. I've run so many full runs and haven't gotten a single snail drop. I'd recommend allowing the fish merchant to sell the object, or alternatively, making them a guaranteed spawn in a certain room.


    Cult of the Lamb's visual style is flawless. The gameplay is very fun, and the writing is well crafted and enjoyable. It is a good time well worth every cent I paid for, with a solid ending that tied everything together nicely. If you're looking for a cute, endearing game that will make you laugh and challenge you, please, buy this game! That all being said: Cult of the Lamb it is not a flawless experience. It falls short of becoming the absolute best version of itself. It can learn so much from games in its genre - Enter the Gungeon's diverse selection of upgrades and weapons, Binding of Isaac's meaningful unlocks and gameplay modes, etc. Not every game has to be this way, of course. Cult of the Lamb could exist as it is now and it would still be, at least, a great time. But it's capable of so much more, and I genuinely hope this company commits to nurturing it. I could easily see 20 hours becoming 200+ with the right work being done on it.
  • gamedeal user

    Sep 3, 2022

    * Get a bunch of cult members * Make them work 96 hours/week by using rituals *Establish tax system by using rituals * Drиg your members with shrооms to suppress any discontent *Make your members hate old people * Slaughter/sacrifice/butcher all members once they get old *Resurrect slaughtered old members to make them young again *Make them work 96 hours/week..... again ! *Make them pay taxes.....again! Damn, if this is not pure evil I don't know what is
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 30, 2022

    Didnt have enough food for a bit Convinced followers they were fasting 10/10 game
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 12, 2022

    Binding of Animal Crossing
  • gamedeal user

    Aug 22, 2022

    you can fish in this game!!
  • gamedeal user

    Apr 29, 2023

    I married one of my members than sacrificed them; only to resurrect them right after. Amazing game.
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