Best Free eBook Reader Apps for Android

In the habit tier list, reading is one of the best habit one can develop. Reading books can help you to expand your thinking, make you forget the real world by reeling you into fantasy land, and even teach you how to navigate the real world.
But nowadays due to hectic schedules, one doesn’t have time to sit down with a physical book and read it, and even if one starts reading a physical book, one cannot carry it everywhere due to its size and weight. This might make you think that if not impossible it is challenging to read a book. But there’s a solution: eBooks!
An eBook (electronic book) is a digital copy of a physical book and is cheaper (and sometimes free) than its real-life counterparts. An eBook can be read on any device and not just an e-reader, so you don’t have to worry about buying a Kindle or any dedicated e-reader at all. You can just download an e-reader app on your phone or tablet and start reading ebooks instantly.
eBooks nowadays support a lot of formats: from the classic pdf to kindle’s own ‘azw’, and on top of that, there are a lot of ebook apps to choose from.
So kickstart or resume your reading journey with the best ebook readers we’ve gathered for you.
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
4.0Muat turunGoogle Play Books & Audiobooks
4.7Muat turunAudible: Audio Entertainment
4.6Muat turunKobo | eBooks & Audiobooks
3.7Muat turunBriefing
3.2Muat turunEverand: Ebooks and audiobooks
4.0Muat turunWEBTOON: Manga, Comics, Manhwa
4.7Muat turunAmazon Kindle
4.7Muat turun
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
Google Play Books & Audiobooks
Audible: Audio Entertainment
Kobo | eBooks & Audiobooks
Everand: Ebooks and audiobooks
WEBTOON: Manga, Comics, Manhwa
Amazon Kindle